Head of School Search Announcement


Dear BA Family,

I have informed the Board of Trustees that I will be retiring at the end of the 2024 – 2025 school year, after having been blessed to be a part of this wonderful Brentwood Academy family for 25 years. As my wife Cindy and I have been prayerfully considering this for some time, and have been in conversation with the board leading up to this announcement, I know that the board is well positioned with a thoughtful and prayerful process for identifying the next person God has been preparing to step into the role of headmaster.

Cindy and I, along with our family, continue to treasure the opportunities we have had to see God’s hand of provision and protection for the school. We are deeply grateful for the many friendships we have made, for the encouragement and support we have felt, and for the tremendous team of faculty, staff, board members, students, and parents with whom we have had the privilege of serving. And we continue to thank God for Bill Brown’s vision and leadership, along with the many parents who joined him in building the school, establishing its mission, and committing to do all that we do for the glory of God. It is with special appreciation that I think of the many who have served on the Board of Trustees, including all those currently serving, who have held responsibility over the years for the mission and ministry of Brentwood Academy.

As we look forward to a strong and smooth transition of leadership, it is important that you know that the values of our school and the commitments to those values are fully supported, defined, and articulated at both the board and staff levels. The search will be led by those who are committed to our Christ-centered mission. They will be seeking much input and prayer as they take on the task of identifying the person who will support, encourage, and lead our school culture and family to live out our mission and ministry. I trust that you will join with us in praying for wisdom, clarity, and direction.

When Bill Brown came on stage during my induction to BA in the fall of 2000, he handed me a track baton, directing me to carry it onward as he handed over his role and responsibilities. I know that there is much work for us to do in the coming year before I pass the baton on to our third headmaster. This will be another great year at BA, and when we exchange the baton, I know that God will continue to accomplish his purposes through all who serve him.

In his service with you,

Curt Masters




Our intentional class sizes vary by grade and discipline, all led by faculty who are accomplished in their fields of study, creating an ideal environment for academic growth and success.