Faculty Directory



Mrs. Dana Atkins named the 2024 Clyde E. Swift Faculty Award winner.

Mrs. Dana Atkins is the 2024 winner of Brentwood Academy’s Clyde E. Swift Faculty Award. This award is given to the faculty member, with at least three years of service, who encourages students to set the highest standard of academic work; demonstrates proficiency in their subject; communicates effectively with students; and possesses a cooperative spirit regarding the mission of the school. 

In the words of Brentwood Academy Headmaster, Curt Masters, “Dana always strives for excellence, both in and out of the classroom. She's dedicated to seeing her students excel, not only to learn and thrive but to meet with success. Outside the classroom, she's dedicated precious time to fostering an expansive student experience where they can play, laugh, and encourage one another. Throughout this, she has demonstrated exceptional care for her colleagues and students.

Her impact on our school has been nothing short of remarkable. The relationships built from activities Dana has led continue to have a ripple effect giving opportunities for impact and leadership at the student level. She keeps a stable balance between creativity and critical thinking. She challenges her students to dig deeper, presses them to express themselves clearly, and encourages them to challenge one another's thinking in the conversations they have in her classroom, as iron sharpens iron. I appreciate the way her own passion for learning and commitment to using the gifts God has given her to his glory has translated into deep learning in the classroom, fun outside of the classroom, and great relationships for all of us."





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Chris Allen
Director of Technology/Robotics
Mandy Allender
Natali Arms
Fine Arts
Dana Atkins
English/Student Activities Coordinator
Maggie Aultman
Jennifer Barberie
Kerry Bauchiero
World Languages
Brian Beckley
Director of College Counseling
Jason Beddoe
Director of Security
Joshua Bell
English/Cross Country/Track
Warren Bezuidenhout
8th Grade Chair/History/Instructional Technology/Soccer
Kurston Biggers
JD Binger
MS Christian Life Director/Bible/Cross Country/Soccer
Andy Blackston
Kathy Boles
Director of Academic Support
Emily Borders
World Languages Chair
Andy Bradshaw
Associate Head of School/Director of Upper School
Bill Brown
Headmaster Emeritus
Ley Brown
History Chair/Football
Matt Brown
12th Grade Chair/Bible/Football/Track